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Heat Economically with Our A2 Wood Pellets! By using wood pellets, we reduce harmful CO2 emissions and contribute to preserving the environment. The calorific power of 2 kg of beech wood pellets replaces 1 kg of oil or 1 m3 of gas. Our pellets are available in various packaging options:

  • 15 kg bags: Convenient packaging for end users

  • 1000 kg jumbo bags: Packaging tailored for users with larger needs

  • 23000 kg tanks: Bulk pellets transported in special tanker trucks


Conforming to European standards and sourced from Europe. Don't miss out on this opportunity to heat economically while being environmentally conscious!

sample preparation                              ISO 14780:2020

diameter and length                             ISO 17829:2015

moisture content                                   ISO 18134-2:2017

ash content                                         ISO 18122:2015, performed with proximate analyzer

mechanical durability                           ISO 17831-1:2015

fines content < 3,15 mm                       ISO 18846:2016 net calorific value /gross calorific value                                                                                           ISO 18125:2017 bulk density  ISO 17828:2015

carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen content       ISO 16948:2015

chlorine, sulphur content                       ISO 16994:2016, quantification according to ISO 10304-1:2007

minor elements                                    ISO 16968:2015, quantification according to ISO 17294-2:2016

ash melting behaviour                          ISO 21404:2020, ash preparation at 815°C, oxidizing atmosphere coarse pellets fines 3,15 < CPF < 5,6 mm                  ISO 18846:2016: / ISO 5370:2023 non accredited method

particle density                                    ISO 18847:2017

European Standard for Pellets
Technical Data Sheet for Pellet
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