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 Treatment and Recycling System for Cables and Electric Motors

Unlock the Potential of Your Electrical Waste with NBCIG’s Turnkey Solutions!

Our specialized turnkey installations are designed for the exclusive shredding and processing of electrical cables and motors. As the demand for raw materials like copper continues to rise, effective recycling of electrical cables has become increasingly crucial. With our advanced Forrec systems, we ensure that the shredding and separation process yields high-quality outputs, including extremely pure copper.

Discover the Value of Recycled Materials:

  1. Metals

    • Copper: Recovered from cables and motor components, copper is highly valuable. It is melted down and used to produce new electrical cables, electronic components, and various copper products such as pipes.

    • Aluminum: Often found in motors and cables, recycled aluminum is repurposed for new aluminum products, including automotive parts, construction materials, and packaging.

    • Iron and Steel: Parts from motors made of iron or steel are recycled into new metallic products like industrial components, construction pieces, or other manufactured items.

  2. Electronic Components

    • Reuse and Recycling: Electronic components extracted from motors can be reused in new electronic devices or processed to recover precious metals such as gold, silver, and palladium. These metals are then used in high-tech electronics and jewelry.

  3. Plastics and Insulators

    • Plastic Recycling: Plastics from cables and electronic components are converted into plastic granules. These granules are used to manufacture various plastic products, including household items, furniture parts, and construction materials.

  4. Composite Materials

    • New Material Production: Recovered composite materials can be transformed into new products, such as composite panels or specialized construction materials.

  5. Energy Recovery

    • Non-Recyclable Waste: Residual non-recyclable materials are utilized for energy recovery, contributing to electricity and heat production, and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

  6. Precious Metals

    • Extraction: Electrical cables and motors can contain precious metals like gold, silver, and palladium. These metals are extracted and refined for use in new electronic products or jewelry.

  7. Specific Uses

    • Recycling and Reconditioning: Some motors can be disassembled, and their parts reused for the repair and reconditioning of other motors, minimizing the need for new components.

Why Choose NBCIG?

Our recycling process maximizes material recovery and reuse while minimizing environmental impact. By choosing our advanced systems, you contribute to natural resource conservation, waste reduction, and a lower ecological footprint associated with new material production.

Elevate your recycling operations with NBCIG’s cutting-edge solutions. Contact us today to explore how we can turn your electrical waste into valuable resources!

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